As part of the efforts made by local authorities to develop, diversify and enhance the economic fabric of the Tangier-Tetouan-Al Hoceima region, especially through the implementation of integrated, sustainable and innovative ecosystems, theRegional Investment Center of the Tangier – Tetouan – Al Hoceima Region (CRI TTA) and the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Northern Provinces (APDN) have been able to bring together the company KLAAS PUUL and the MASCIR Foundation around a memorandum of understanding defining the areas of partnership for the creation of a recycling and recovery unit for waste induced by the shrimps peeling activity of the Klaas Puul company in the cities of Tangier and Fnideq.
This memorandum, which was signed on Monday, June 7, at the headquarters of the wilaya of the Tangier-Tetouan-AL Hoceima Region under the chairmanship of Mr. Mohamed MHIDIA, Wali of the Region, and in the presence of Mr. Mounir BOUYOUSSFI, General Manager of the Agency for the Promotion and Development of the Northern Provinces (APDN), Mr. Mohamed Khalid LARAICHI, President of MAScIR , Mr. Jalal BENAYOUN, Managing Director of the CRI TTA and Mr. Abdelouafi BOUAISSA, Managing Director of Klaas Puul, is part of the vision adopted by the authority for the development of the green and circular economy as a strategic and essential lever for the creation of added value and employment in the region, particularly in the prefecture of Mdiq-Fnideq .
This innovative initiative, which is the result of community intelligence and collective work, aims to synergize the resources, knowledge and know-how of all stakeholders in the economic fabric. It will strengthen the region’s position as a locomotive and a model for sustainable development. It will also promote the consideration of ecological and environmental issues, notably through applied R&D and collective innovation.
As a reminder, Klaas Puul is a multinational company specializing in the production and processing of seafood products, installed in Tangier since 1992 and currently expanding its activities in the prefecture of Mdiq-Findeq through the creation of a new generation industrial unit that will eventually create about 3000 new jobs for the population of this region.
MAScIR Foundation is a non-profit association that reports to the Mohammed VI Polytechnic University. Created in 2007, it aims to promote and develop technological research centers in the fields of materials and nanomaterials, biotechnology, microelectronics, and life sciences. Its work is oriented towards applied research and innovation In order to respond to market needs
MAScIR has state-of-the-art scientific platforms and a high level of human capital. Its researchers operate in various innovative and complementary fields. From mining to renewable energies, including health and transport, the research conducted at MAScIR focuses on the current and future needs of industry, agriculture and economic operators in general.
The MAScIR Foundation also aims to promote the results of its research and its patents, through the transfer of technology, the creation of spin-offs and start-ups in order to contribute to the emergence of a knowledge-based economy in Morocco.